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How to wear a fanny pack in style? – The ultimate guide

Brian Man 05/03/2023 0 comments

‘Isn’t the fanny pack a dad’s thing?’ Nowadays, fanny packs come in all styles and colors, no longer some old-school thingy! Fanny packs, also known as belt bags or bum bags, pair your one with different outfits to make it high-end, you can put on different outfits to add your personality and style.

Design a Personalized Fanny Pack

1. Classic style -Wear your fanny pack around your waist 

This is the most common way to wear your fanny pack. Keep your essentials within reach by having it around your natural waist, which is just above your belly button. 

Wearing a waist pack helps to define your waistline and highlight your best feature, which works on any body shape! 

If your outfit comes with a belt, try looping a fanny pack through it! You can also turn the pack around to your back if you are not used to having your pack to be front and center. And of course, the belt bag is not only for women. Check how to wear men’s fanny packs in style?

2. More Modern Style – Carry the pack across your chest

Throw it over one shoulder and position the pack itself in front of your chest. It always goes well with army jackets or denim jackets. I know some of you don’t like to put it on the front side. Just carry it around to your back and sling it back to the front of your chest when you need to reach your stuff. 

3. As a belt style – Let your belt bag stand out

It is more common to have this way in winter. When people are wearing many layers and want to look less bulky. They use fanny packs as a belt by wearing them on top of their outerwear and tucking in their shirt. This helps to draw attention to your fanny pack and makes it a lot easier to grab your essentials when you need them. 

Outfit suggestion: Put on a simple white T-shirt with matching pants and a jacket.  Then, put your fanny pack high on your waist to close the jacket.

4. Rock Look – Wear your fanny pack under your outfit

Put on a simple fitted tee and throw the fanny pack over one shoulder. Then throw on a jacket to complete the look. This look is super popular for concert night or date night—of course! Who doesn’t want to look chic? But yeah, it is pretty much depending on the jacket you choose. 

5. Laid-back look

This look is suitable for everyday errands. When you go to school, out with friends, or on a hike.

The traditional black and slouchy fanny pack is a good match for almost any outfit. ( Remember to pick a bigger one to fit more things inside of them!) Pair a fanny pack with your favorite t-shirt and jeans.

To add street-style elements, you can wear an oversized shirt and jeans. If you want to look more trendy, you can even finish off the look with a cool graphic T-shirt and good solid white sneakers.

6. Night outlooks

You may want to put a little more effort into your outfit for a date night and semi-formal events. Pick a mini dress and a belt bag with good quality material, which refers to leather, silk, or wool.  

READ MORE: Every purchase is a vote – Fashion waste to landfill or recycle

Design a Custom Fanny Pack